About Us
What Are The Healing Rooms of Wilmington
The Healing Rooms of Wilmington provide a loving, safe, confidential environment where you can come to receive healing prayer. Founded on April 18, 2001, Healing Rooms of Wilmington is a tax-exempt, non-profit, organization affiliated with the International Association of Healing Rooms in Spokane, Washington. The Healing Rooms of Wilmington is dedicated to promoting physical healing of the sick in the name and by the power of Jesus Christ. We are not a counselling ministry, a church, a pastoral ministry, or a medical unit of any kind. We are a ministry of prayer based on biblical truths concerning healing that comes through the saving power of God in Jesus Christ. We are a Christian ministry that is biblically sound in our basic beliefs.
The vision for the Healing Rooms of Wilmington is to offer the healing power of Jesus Christ through prayer to all who are sick. We do this in the context of a clear presentation of the Christian gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Healing Rooms of Wilmington does not charge fees for healing prayer ministry. We do, however, accept offerings from those who receive prayer. Contributions to help with administrative and operational costs are greatly appreciated. The Healing Rooms of Wilmington accepts contributions from churches, organizations, or from individuals who desire to partner with us in bringing the healing power of the Gospel to the Wilmington region.
All donation are tax-deductible
Wednesday 6 - 8 PM
By appointment only
Call or e-mail
2414 Pennsylvania Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19806
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 10023
Wilmington, DE 19850
Healing Rooms of Wilmington
is located on the second floor
at Immanuel Church
which graciously allows us
to use their facilities.
© 2013 Healing Rooms of Wilmington All rights reserved